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Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Transparent Computing: In-House IT vs. Managed IT Services

Information technology has become an essential component of every business, even for traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. As we navigate the fourth industrial revolution, companies are increasingly relying on apps, complex CRM systems, and proprietary software to scale their operations.
While the benefits of these advancements are immense, business owners and CEOs must act swiftly when systems fail. Network crashes and other IT issues can halt productivity, diminish profits, and drain resources. This raises a critical question: should businesses opt for an in-house IT team or outsource the job to a managed IT service?
To help you decide, we’ve outlined the advantages and disadvantages of both options, focusing on Transparent Computing’s industry-standard approach.
Firstly… Is One IT Professional Better than Another?
The competency level of IT support should be the central focus of this debate.
In theory, an in-house IT expert should be well-versed in your systems. However, the rapid pace of technological advancement and the growing complexity of communication protocols and data management can often overwhelm a small in-house team.
Conversely, managed IT services, like those offered by Transparent Computing, boast specialization and bandwidth. Our teams constantly upgrade their knowledge and troubleshoot various problems across industries. As a result, we can diagnose IT issues proactively and provide effective solutions.
Availability Matters
When server problems or code glitches occur, you need a quick resolution. An in-house IT support team can often respond in minutes, while professionals from managed services may take longer due to obligations to other clients.
However, managed IT services like Transparent Computing offer 24/7 support, which may not be available with in-house staff. Furthermore, remote IT work has grown in recent years, reducing operating costs by up to 45%. If an IT issue arises outside of working hours or while in-house staff are away, managed IT services may have the advantage.
Scalability Potential: In-House IT vs. Outsourcing
As your business grows, your IT department must expand to support it. In-house staff may struggle to scale, while managed services like Transparent Computing can easily adjust resources to meet your needs. Choosing in-house IT over outsourcing may require hiring and training new employees without guaranteed results, making managed IT services the better option for businesses anticipating growth.
The Cost of Doing Business
The debate between managed services and in-house IT often boils down to cost-effectiveness. Integrating an IT team can be costly for smaller businesses, while larger corporations may need integrated teams for their complex infrastructures.
To make an informed decision, consider these cost factors:

  1. Salary Cost: Managed IT services typically cost less for equivalent skills. You pay the service provider, and they handle employee benefits.
  2. Training Cost: In a rapidly evolving field, constant education is crucial. With managed services, you pay for knowledge, not the acquisition of it.
  3. Utility Costs: Outsourcing eliminates expenses for office space, tools, and leave/holiday time. Equipment failure becomes the service provider’s responsibility.

In-House IT vs. Outsourcing: The Final Verdict
Our guide may lean in favor of managed IT services like Transparent Computing, but the final decision depends on your business’s circumstances.
Keeping IT in-house allows total control of business data, but in the era of cloud storage, this can be a rare or unnecessary luxury. Businesses must assess their technology needs before committing to a managed service or in-house option.
If you’d like to discuss your options further, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Brisbane-based managed IT services team at Transparent Computing!

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