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Office 365 
& Google 

Stay connected and enhance your workflow. Our Office 365 and Google Management services offer proficient setup and continuous support, ensuring your tools and documents are seamlessly integrated, accessible, and secure across both platforms.

We perform 365 & Google Workspace Management

Trust in our expertise for streamlining and supporting your vital communications. We specialise in both Office 365 and Google Workspace setup and continuous support, ensuring your communications flow seamlessly and your platforms stay secure and accessible.

What 365 & Google Workspace Management services do we provide?

Google and Microsoft Setup

Office 365 & Google Workspace Sync

User Management, Onboarding & Support

Collaborative Tools: Microsoft Teams & Google Meet

Data Management: OneDrive & Google Drive

Web Solutions: SharePoint & Google Sites

Backup Solutions for Gmail, Outlook, & Beyond

Robust Security, Compliance & Monitoring

Our Customer Rating

How to Book E-mail Setup or Support

Step 1:
Click 'Book Online'

Begin your hassle-free journey towards a tech solution with just one click. Our streamlined process ensures you're quickly on the path to resolution.

Step 2:
Describe Your Tech Problem

Provide us a brief overview of the issue you're facing. The more details you provide, the better equipped our experts will be to assist you swiftly.

Step 3
Schedule your on-site visit or remote support

Choose a convenient time slot that fits your schedule. Whether it's an on-site visit or remote assistance, we're flexible to cater to your needs.

Step 4
Relax - We handle the tech, you enjoy peace of mind.

Our team of experts will get right on the job. Sit back and let the professionals work their magic, ensuring your tech is back up and running smoothly.

Step 5
No fix, no fee, it's simple.

We believe in transparency and fairness. If we can't find a solution to your tech issue, you won't be charged. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Microsoft Office 365 & Google Workspace - FAQs

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What is the difference between Office 365 and Google Workspace?

Both are comprehensive suite of productivity tools. While Office 365 offers applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, Google Workspace provides services like Docs, Sheets, and Slides. The choice often depends on business needs and personal preferences.

Absolutely! We specialise in seamless migrations between Office 365 and Google Workspace, ensuring data integrity and minimal disruption.

We offer end-to-end support, from setup and integrations to troubleshooting technical issues, ensuring smooth and efficient communication for your team.

We manage user accounts, roles, permissions, and ensure that access controls align with your organisational structure and policies. This includes onboarding, offboarding, and transitional support.

Our team can guide you through the process of setting up personalized e-mail signatures or automated out-of-office responses tailored to your needs.

There could be several reasons for this, including e-mail content, the reputation of your e-mail server, or specific configurations. We can diagnose the issue and provide solutions to ensure your e-mails reach the intended inboxes.

Certainly. We offer solutions for backing up your e-mails and can guide you through the restoration process should you need to retrieve lost or deleted e-mails.

We’re here to expertly guide and support you through every facet of Office 365 and Google Workspace, ensuring seamless operation, enhanced collaboration, and maximised productivity for your business.

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